Hello Equinox Team,

I try to help by fixing a bug on tycho.

I hope i am on a the right mailing list. If the class
is in your scope normaly yes ;o)

As I can see there is a problem during loading a resource :
from xercesImpl.jar wich was added by the Bundle-ClassPath.
When we try to findResources in BundleLoader, the class extract package
name : META-INF.services. And try to find this package in required bundle.
But my resource is inside an embedded library as bundle classpath. I don't
know how eclipse solve this and how to find the resource ? Maybe we must
add a specific class loader in our CombinedClassLoader ?

Maybe i must do a specific way (call hierarchy) to manage real resource
like META-INF data ?

Before implementing anything I prefer asking the good way to fix it.

Sorry for my english, it's not my native language.

Guillaume Dufour
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