Excuse me by my english, i'm new in the list, i have a question i always use
eric4 en english, but now i{m working at ubuntu distribution in spanish and
when i install eric4 they do it in spanish because is my native lenguajes of
the distrubution, but the problem is when i open a new page for write the
program and i try to delete any caracter u cant do it, the only way to do it
is presing Alt+May+C, how i can fixid this problem.

This problem on ubuntu 9.10
Python 2.6.4
Qt 4.5.2
PyQt 4.6
sip 4.9.1-snapshot-20091015
QScintilla 2.4
eric4 (r3372)

Jean Carlos Rodriguez
Merida - Venezuela
Eric mailing list

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