On Mittwoch, 17. Februar 2010, Larry Shaffer wrote:
> Hi David,
> Go to http://eric-ide.python-projects.org/eric-code.html
> or use
> svn co http://die-offenbachs.homelinux.org/svn/eric4repository/eric4/trunk/
>  (which will give you a 'trunk' folder in the directory where run, unless
> you define a custom dir name)
> Also, you can run 'svn help co' in Terminal for info on the checkout
> sub-command. Learn more about Subversion @ http://subversion.apache.org or
> http://svnbook.red-bean.com
> The checkouts tend to be a bit slow. It's not a stable release, so I
>  believe you do not run the install.py script, but instead copy over your
>  existing install in site-packages (after backing it up first). Detlev
>  would know more about the correct way to 'install' the checkout.

You don't "install" it. Just run it directly from the sources. However, as a 
first step you should run the compileUi.py script to compile all the *.ui 
files to Python code.

> PS: you can use svn on your Mac within eric for your eric projects by
> setting up an svn repository directory first, then create sub directories
> (with similar names to your projects) within it for your project's svn
> version info. You do not have to use http:// (apache) with eric, if you use
> file:// and set up your repository for local development (e.g., in
> Terminal):
> svnadmin create /path/to/repository
>  (only have to do this once, to set up the repository)
> mkdir /path/to/repository/myprojectname
>  (do for every eric project, from Terminal or from within eric)
> then set the protocol for your eric project to file:// and the URL to
> /path/to/repository/myprojectname (you can make that folder from within the
> URL folder dialog as well). That's it. I set mine up in a disk image or via
> Dropbox.com to have it portable between machines.
> > From: David Arnold <dwarnol...@suddenlink.net>
> > Date: Wed, 17 Feb 2010 11:22:36 -0800
> > To: <eric@riverbankcomputing.com>
> > Subject: [Eric] Svn install
> >
> > Detlev,
> >
> > Did you update the repo regarding your fix for the help browser crashes?
> >
> > If so, how do you do an install from the repository download?
> >
> > David.
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