On Samstag, 4. März 2017 17:34:41 GM wrote:
> a workaround was found by "GHPS":
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/linuxmint/+bug/1656433/comments/5
> after upgrading libqt5scintilla2-l10n and libqt5scintilla2-12v5 manually
> to version 2.9.3
> (
> https://www.ubuntuupdates.org/package/core/yakkety/universe/base/libqt5scint
> illa2-12v5
> <https://www.ubuntuupdates.org/package/core/yakkety/universe/base/libqt5sci
> ntilla2-12v5>
> https://www.ubuntuupdates.org/package/core/yakkety/universe/base/libqt5scin
> tilla2-l10n
> <https://www.ubuntuupdates.org/package/core/yakkety/universe/base/libqt5sci
> ntilla2-l10n> )
> the distro's version of 'eric' installed without problems. The latest
> release of 'eric' (17.03) installed without problems too.

Just for the record: these are packaging problems of the distro in question, 
hence nothing can be done from the Eric side of things. Obviously, the build 
of libqt5scintilla2 is the culprit here.

Eric dependents on matching versions of Qscintilla and PyQt at least. For 
packagers, problems arises from the *freedom* in this ecosystem, since any 
combination of Qt 4/5 with Python 2/3 is supported as a base, but sip, 
qscintilla and PyQt builds *must* match the basic combination.

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