eric6 needs PyQt5 to be run but supports development of PyQt6 applications. I am in the process of porting eric to PyQt6. This variant will be called eric7. If you would like to help debug and beta test it, just get the eric sources via the code repository, switch to the eric7 branch and install it.


Am 01.06.2021 19:53 schrieb Jamie Riotto <>:
I see that as of eric6-21.2 that Eric supports PyQt6. However, I'm am trying to do a new
installation on Win10 / Python3.9. I have installed PyQt6 via pip. I have tried to install 
eric6-21 both via the zip download and python 
via python install -m pip eric-ide
and in both cases, eric doesn't recognize the PyQt6 installation and instead fetches a PyQt5 wheel and continues. 

Is there a way to force it to use PyQt6?
Thanks so much - jamie

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