Author:  America has 2,630 religions and counting

Friday, January 31, 2003 Posted:   8:41 PM EST (0141 GMT)

SANTA BARBARA, California (AP) -- Americans are proud of their
freedom of religion, and the work of J. Gordon Melton shows they have
a whole lot of religions to choose from.

The Roman Catholic Church may be huge but it's only one among 116
Catholic denominations. Orthodox Christians have an even higher
total, and Protestantism is notoriously splintered; its Pentecostal
segment alone counts groups by the hundreds.

There's a denomination for practically everyone.

If the Episcopal Church won't do, worshippers can move leftward into
the Metaphysical Episcopal Church or Free Episcopal Church, or
rightward into dozens of breakaways like the Anglican Mission in

Does Unitarianism seem too conventional? The denomination offers a
subgroup of Unitarian Universalist Pagans.

Moving further from the mainstream, there's always the Church of God
Anonymous, the Nudist Christian Church of the Blessed Virgin Jesus or
the Only Fair Religion.

All are among 2,630 U.S. and Canadian faith groups described in the
new edition of the indispensable "Encyclopedia of American Religion."
Melton, a one-time United Methodist pastor, treats each entry with
nonpartisan objectivity and -- when necessary -- a straight face.

The total includes ecumenical organizations, loosely knit movements
and defunct faiths. But most are still-existing denominations with
distinct flocks (Melton prefers to call them "primary religious

Melton's task includes placing religions into 26 "families" -- and
then breaking those down into subcategories. For instance, his
"Psychic New Age" family includes Sun Myung Moon's Unification
movement, Jim Jones' suicidal People's Temple and the Church of

Among religions difficult to classify are the eight that practice
drug use, 22 that believe in UFOs -- including the Raelians at the
center of the recent human cloning claims -- and 12 mail-order
religions that dispense instant clergy credentials or divinity

Melton's curiosity originated during his Alabama boyhood, when he
attended a family reunion at a rural church. His mother warned,
"Whatever you do, don't talk about religion" because some relatives
were touchy Pentecostalists and Jehovah's Witnesses. By late high
school, he had given up stamp collecting for sect collecting.

In the 44 years since, he has obsessively compiled data on more
creeds than anyone knew existed.

He has deposited his trove of 70,000 books and 40 filing cabinets of
materials at the University of California, Santa Barbara, where he
teaches part time. The campus is two blocks from his Institute for
the Study of American Religion.

Melton, 60, is especially adept at tracking obscure, smaller groups.
He's an expert on occultism and takes pride in discovering religions
that practice rigorous secrecy, such as the Kennedy Worshippers, who
have made the late U.S. president into a divinity, and the
Two-by-Two's, a network of nomadic evangelists.

Other Melton mentions:

-- All-One-God-Faith Inc. (based in Escondido, California) is simply
a soap company that spreads its eclectic doctrines through the labels
of its products.

-- The Church of the New Song, which has no formal headquarters,
recruits prison inmates and once claimed porterhouse steaks and
Harvey's Bristol Cream to be its communion elements.

-- The Embassy of Heaven (Stayton, Oregon) considers all earthly
governments illegitimate and takes the logical step of issuing its
own auto license plates.

-- The Worldwide Church of God (Pasadena, California) did something
no other new religion ever has, rapidly reverting to standard
Christian theology after the death of idiosyncratic founder Herbert
W. Armstrong, known for his "World Tomorrow" broadcasts and Plain
Truth magazine.

Two points emerge to Melton from all his counting, tracking and compiling.

The United States is the most religiously diverse nation in the world
-- especially since immigration laws loosened in 1965 -- though
Europe as a whole is comparable. Christianity is the biggest single
element: 70 percent of Americans belong to "some brand of Christian

What's more distinct, Melton says, is that America "is certainly the
most religious country that has ever existed, in terms of voluntarily
taking part in religion. There's no country to equal us, to date."
The turning point was World War II when "the majority of the public
became church members for the first time."

He thinks diversity contributes to that.

"The Christian groups know they have to compete. It keeps them alive,
growing, and adapting, not resting on their laurels as groups in the
majority tend to do," he says.

The latest encyclopedia, its seventh edition, has some 250 groups
that are newly listed since the 1999 version.

As soon as the manuscript went to the printer, Melton set aside a
manila folder for discoveries to add next time. So far, he has found
10 new faiths, three of which believe in vampires.

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