On Sun, Aug 24, 2008 at 7:41 PM, Brendan Eich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Aug 24, 2008, at 7:36 PM, Peter Michaux wrote:
>> On Sun, Aug 24, 2008 at 6:05 PM, Brendan Eich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> wrote:
>>> On Aug 24, 2008, at 4:09 PM, Mark S. Miller wrote:
>> [snip]
>>> Others on this list should comment on class-private vs. instance-
>>> private.
>> If this is just a poll then I'm all for instance-private.

(order restored)
> Polls are not so good, compared to reasons. Could you give your
> rationale and talk about the trade-offs, in your experience?

I'm not Peter, but here are my observations:

How to make a private variable?

Option 1: "Fake Private" - uses _someVar, and even uses JSDocToolkit
@private or @internal.

Pros: Refactoring that introduces "private" instance variables won't
require changing to "Power Constructor" or other closure-based
Cons: Fake.

Example: http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/docs/menu.js.html

_nCurrentMouseX: 0 is the default in Menu.prototype. In _onMouseOver,
the value is set on the instance. It is as if the desire is to inherit
the privateness, it is almost as if they wanted
[[CanPut]]("_nCurrentMouseX") to be true only in the Menu code in that
js file.

Option 2: Closures.
Wrap everything in a closure and have the "private" variables not
accessible from the outside. This includes the Module Pattern, Power
Constructor (Putting everything in the constructor), and Exporting
Pattern approaches.

Closure Pros:
 * Can use shortened lookup chains for "local" variables in the closure.
 * Can minify the "private" variables using a compressor.

Closure Cons:
 * Private instance variables don't fit into the typical
constructor-function-with-a-prototype idiom.

Power Constructor cons:
 * Long constructor
 * increases the scope chain of each instance method, which then has
reference to things it might not want or need (all variables remain in

Module Pattern cons:
 * increases the scope chain of each instance method, which then has
reference to things it might not want or need (all variables remain in
 * "private" variables are not easily distinguished from "local
shortcut" variables.

The Exporting Pattern is used to export some methods in a closure to
properties of another object, keeping some "private"

Exporting Pattern cons:
 * can lead to "God Object" or "Big Ball of Mud"
 * can be difficult to read/understand


> /be

>> Peter
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