Mark Miller said:  We can get the effect of specifying such 
indistinguishability simply by specifying that host objects may have as their 
[[Class]] property "Object", or any string not otherwise used by the spec as a 
[[Class]] value.

I generally agree, but I have two "what about's" that actually go in different 
directions from each other.

#1 What about "Function" in addition to "Object"? It seems reasonable to have 
host objects that are functions in addition host objects that are objects. 
(Counter-argument: slippery slope)

#2 Why allow "Object" for  host objects that are required to conform to the 
section 15.3 specification for Object. If they are distinguishable from section 
15.3 objects they should have [[Class]]=="Object".  An implementation can use 
"HostObject" or something else. (Counter-argument: Might confuse some 
programmers??? (seems weak))

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