Please forgive me if I'm polluting the list, and re-direct me if I am, but considering that there has been so much focus on browser implementation, that JavaScript is also employable in various 'environments' (IDE's, Servers etc.) and that all of these environments avail different features to developers, that a universal / standard feature detection API, perhaps through a standardised global Environment object, would be prudent.

Are there any plans to do such?

Such an object could be decoupled from vendor plug-in architectures, perhaps even providing an interface as simple as:

Environment.featureIsSupported(featureName:[String], featureVendor: [String, null], majorVersion:[Number, null], minorVersion:[Number, null], revision:[Number, null]) : Boolean

Of course, it would be up to vendors to decide just how the method would return true or false under certain conditions, but its not hard to see how such an interface could be useful to detect DOM capabilities, vendor plug-in availability or even native proprietary features supported by an 'environment'. A universal way to detect environmental variations would be a very useful thing, IMHO.



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