On 17.9.09 12:15 , Jason Orendorff wrote:
  The difference shows up in step 7b, whose wording is:

"Reject, if the [[Enumerable]] fields of current and Desc are the Boolean
negation of each other."

Under the first interpretation, if there is no [[Enumerable]] field in Desc,
then never Reject.

Under the second interpretation, if there is no [[Enumerable]] field in
Desc, *and* if current.[[Enumerable]] is true, then Reject.

I think you have the two interpretations reversed here; under the
second interpretation (the one that doesn't seem reasonable to me), if
[[Enumerable]] is missing, we never Reject.

Er, yes, I did.

Past email to this list makes clear the first interpretation was the desired

(assuming you mean the second interpretation)

The one I meant was "the result of any comparison which evaluates desc.[[Something]] 
must be false".  I'm not going to try to number this, given the mixup in the email.  

Yow. This is very unintuitive. To me, the spec seems to say the
opposite of what's intended here.

I don't disagree!

Perhaps modifying step 7b to explicitly say "Reject, if [[Enumerable]]
is present in Desc and...", is a less arcane approach to fixing this.
(That might not be the only change needed though.)

This isn't what I'd thought we meant, but it seems to be the newly-adopted 
change in errata, and indeed I prefer it to the one I thought we meant -- much 
more intuitive.

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