On Sep 27, 2009, at 11:28 AM, Brendan Eich wrote:

On Sep 27, 2009, at 2:57 AM, Maciej Stachowiak wrote:

I'm musing a bit here, bear with me. If we only hack incrementally, and preserve backward compatibility with frankly dumb (or merely hasty) design decisions (many mine!) then we'll probably make less progress than if we try to rationalize old and new in a better systematic design.

That's a little too abstract for me to tell if I agree or not.

Shortest-path evolution can walk uphill only a little bit at a time, and get stuck at local minimal points in a design space, when over the big hill is a much better, richer valley to evolve in. This path dependency problem bits many real-world systems.

I experience this point as hard and painful, like concrete -- it' s not abstract. I've been around too long to ignore it, as it's all around us on the web, and it has been since 1994 if not earlier.

Compatibility concerns in the form of graceful degradation or progressive enhancement are not unmixed blessings. More coherent stacks from Microsoft, Adobe, and Sun can rightly claim to solve problems more cleanly and simply than the web. Of course these stacks have other problems, mainly from being single-sourced if not proprietary, but also from not progressing compatibly, and for other reasons I won't digress on.

But there's no point pretending the Web (ES, DOM, etc.) is an example of a well-designed toolkit for building user-facing distributed apps!

But we're not really free to discard compatibility. So I'm not that excited about the exciting opportunities we could have if we did. The Web is a duct tape design but it works. Dropping compatibility would kill one of its biggest advantages.

Systems that discard compatibility can also deliver an unusable Second System, especially when designed by committee. I would point to certain W3C specs that chose to break compatibility with existing practice. They are often not only undeployable but also not very compelling on their own terms.

I think compatibility constraints, even though they impose messy and illogical quirks, can also act as a healthy counterweight to flights of design fancy. Constraints make for good art.


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