On 10/15/2009 07:23 AM, Maciej Stachowiak wrote:

The latter, if truly allowed by the spec, makes source-to-source transformers, even something as simple as a pretty-printer, potentially unsound. That seems like a much less bounded form of insanity.

I think this point is well-taken.

In the case of 'eval', ES5 requires an implementation to inspect the context of the call. A direct call to eval runs the code in the call's environment; indirect calls run in the global environment. This makes eval into a pseudo-syntactic form: really, expressions of the form 'eval(...)' are special to the compiler, regardless of eval's binding.

The way Mozilla treats 'document.all' seems analogous.

(It's been raised that debugging APIs may have behavior that depends on the calling context. That may be true, but exposing debugging APIs directly to normal code would violate important assumptions.
Well, my point there was more that approaching the question in terms of whether a given behavior is permitted by the spec doesn't advance the conversation much. For native objects, the spec is powerless to forbid truly horrible things; it's too low a bar.

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