On Jul 30, 2010, at 12:06 PM, felix wrote:

> actionscript 3 has
>  for (key in a) {}
>  for each (val in a) {}

This is from ECMA-357, E4X, and it is in SpiderMonkey and Rhino too -- it's not 
original to AS3.

It's also something we agreed (crock too, IIRC) was too vague: "each" does not 
scream "value, not key".

But beyond that, iteration in general is not necessarily visiting properties in 
an object, and then you have to choose an obscure keyword or preposition to 
choose value or key. Iteration is a stream of values, no properties needed at 

In that light, and in light of Mathematics as well as Python and JS1.7+, it is 
hard to beat "for ... in ...". "For all elements in set", "for all items in 
list", "for all [key, value] pairs in dict", etc.

This might suggest using "all", but that too is vague, and it also may suggest 
eagerness or completeness. But iteration is needed in JS precisely for laziness.

Infinite sequences or streams where the consumer decides when to stop asking 
for the next value are currently underserved use-cases. This point came up when 

 Waldemar raised objections against the current Proxy API to proxy objects with 
a large number of properties. The problematic traps are fix and enumerate. 
W.r.t enumerate, a proxy could return a proxy for an array. Additionally, 
enumerate should be modified as soon as there is a solid proposal for 
generators/iterators. Proxies for large objects could resist being fixed. This 
solution is satisfactory as long as no part of the spec depends on an object 
being non-extensible/sealed/frozen.
Of course this does not say what the syntax for a meta-programmable iteration 
construct should be, but laziness suggests "all" is not precisely on target.

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