
On Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 7:24 PM, Michael Dyck <jmd...@ibiblio.org> wrote:

> If I find bugs in the ECMAScript Language spec (bugs that aren't already
> reflected in the July 31st Errata doc), what should I do?
> Oddly, the spec itself doesn't tell me, nor does ECMA's web page for the
> spec, nor its web page for TC39. The only place where I found a
> solicitation for feedback is http://www.ecmascript.org/community.php .
> It points to the Harmony wiki, but that appears to be readonly for
> outsiders. Ditto the Trac db, although there's a button to register; but
> it seems kind of inactive (only 7 events in the last year).
> So I'm asking here: what's the best means (and form) for giving feedback
> on the ES5 spec to TC39?

This lack of explanation is a serious problem. Thanks for bringing it to our

The best place to post is to es5-disc...@mozilla.org so suggested errata can
easily be found.
Often such messages are addressed to es-discuss as well, especially if the
issue is likely to be of general interest.

> -Michael
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