On Nov 21, 2010, at 7:21 PM, Chris Sells wrote:

> I'm a huge fan of iterators. As far as index goes, I'm not a fan of the use 
> of the colon. We should take our time, but something that I wanted to throw 
> into the pot would be to build on the key-based nature of for-in with syntax 
> like this:
> forvals ( var x in xs ) {...}

Resist bikeshedding early and all that, but there's already a strike against 
this or anything like it:

JS lacks run-together keywords apart from typeof and instanceof, which do not 
abbreviate as "vals" does.

In grasping for ":" instead of "in", the committee was trying to keep the 
introductory keyword "for". I think we had agreement that sticking with "for" 
is still worth using as a syntax design guide or "back up and try another route 
forward [than 'in']" design point.

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