On 12/21/2010 04:25 PM, Brendan Eich wrote:

Why does your expectation differ here compared to the following:

MyAwesomeThing.prototype.myCoolFunction = function() {
var cachedHotness = gensym();
if (!this[cachedHotness])
this[cachedHotness] = doExpensiveThing(this)
return this[cachedHotness];

Is it because |private cachedHotness;| does not "look generative"?

I agree with Oliver: the private keyword is going to cause confusion. It looks like it is declaring something, not generating something. A small step toward making the proposed syntax less Java-like (and therefore less likely to cause confusion) might be:

   use private cachedHotness;

A use directive feels vaguely more comfortable here to me. It makes it clearer to the programmer that some kind of magic is going on.

But I confess that I haven't actually read Allen's proposal, so take this with a grain of salt.

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