I am really astonished to hear protection keys being thought
of as "brittle" under transformation: that is just the opposite of what they are about!

Sorry to astonish you. :)

No problem!-) I was just afraid of the idea being misunderstood or being associated with fear-inducing phrasing, either of which can easily derail a discussion in which good ideas can otherwise speak for themselves. By the time we have agreed to what extent the concerns remain valid or can be alleviated, the rest of the community may well
have stampeded away in panic! Not that this group necessarily
works that way, of course, just general human nature:-)

  - Berkling's protection keys add flexibility to name-based
      schemes, *removing* their brittleness under transformation;
      it combines suitability for automated transformation
      with readability for humans (in fact, both de Bruijn's
      and the classical name-based scheme are special cases
      of Berkling's)

Well, you're just asserting that Berkling's keys remove their brittleness without evidence.

Ah, ok - I have been trying to summarize the idea on its own,
using evidence-by-logic rather than by-reference or by-example,
to avoid going through the history of Berkling style reduction systems on this list (it has been a while, but I would be happy to explain a bit if that would be of interest/appropriate here[*]).
From your other comments I infer that you understand how
the scheme works but also that you are still lumping together
the various related schemes that have been used in this context.
The latter might keep you from seeing what is different about
Berkling's scheme, and hence how the brittleness is removed,
by straightforward technical means (no magic or subjectivity).
Since this seems to be relevant information for a language-
specific design/spec discussion list talking about bindings, I'll try to outline the process (even as a rough proof outline, it beats more examples, as far as evidence is concerned). For
those of you not interested in reduction: the same issues
arise in refactoring. From memory (please excuse any errors):

Church's original lambda-K calculus was meant to pin down the scoping issues that mathematicians and logicians encountered; it had partially defined conversion rules (in case of naming conflicts, the rules were simply not applicable), so one had to choose a suitable sequence of renamings (alpha rule) and conversion (beta rule) to ensure that such conflicts and rule failures were avoided. That is brittle in the strictest sense.

Later presentations of lambda-calculus mixed a bit of renaming into conversion (either in beta reduction or in substitution). That leads to uncontrolled renamings of bound variables, to bypass the conflicts. That is not nice,
   and it is brittle wrt programmer-chosen names.

   Berkling's version just acknowledges that lambda calculus
is missing some of the terms that would allow to represent the binding structures that can arise during conversion.
   The consequence of having too few terms to represent
all intermediate results of reduction is that one either has to avoid the conversion sequences that lead into those holes (leading to partially defined reduction rules), or one has to put the available terms to double use (leading to conflicts between programmer intent and implementation needs, as far as names are concerned).

   Adding the missing terms gives the manoeuvring room
   to define the conversion rules fully, without gaps and
without having to resort to renaming. So brittleness under transformation, in both senses, is avoided.

De Bruijn's scheme doesn't help there: it has even fewer
terms than Church's (only a single term representing all
alpha-equivalent ones). Similar shortcomings seemed to
apply to most other related schemes I've seen - most of
them work technically but fail pragmatically.

Berkling's extra terms do not add error-prone complexity in terms of binding structure, because other terms with equivalent binding structure already exist in Church's version. The extra terms are just designed in such a way that both binding structure and programmer-chosen names can be preserved during program transformations.

And I'm afraid I've seen enough evidence in my experience to make me doubt your claim.

Does the above help? We have to be careful not to confuse "the new thing is different" with "the new thing is brittle".
In this case, "the new system has more complex rules" can
actually mean "the new system is easier to use in practice",
because the new rules have fewer exceptions.

Just take a look at what happens to the definition of alpha-
conversion in a language with Berkling's keys. Traditionally, when you alpha-convert a binding x, you can stop the induction whenever you hit an inner binding (shadowing) of x. Not so with your proposal: now you have to keep going -- and decrement an accumulator argument to the algorithm (not exactly obvious!) -- to look for "outer" references within the inner binding.

Indeed. That is a direct consequence of adding the "missing"
terms (terms in which parts of the binding structure are
expressed through protection keys) - the old conversion rules arise out of the new ones as (premature) optimizations for the case that no protection keys are present at any stage.

But that the rules have to do more work to cover the additional
terms does not make the system "brittle" in any way - and it is quite unambiguous what needs to be done.
Also, the shortcuts can be recovered as compile-time
optimizations: if your program starts out without protection
keys, the old rules still apply; and the new rules only introduce
protection keys if the old rules would have failed. So, if you
want to stay in the protection-free subset of the language,
you can do so. You do not have to pay if you don't use the
additional flexibility.

In fact, even the "extra work" is misleading: we could represent the same binding structure by choosing different names, and then the corresponding alpha-conversion/renaming would have to do the same amount of work. Example: if we enter a new function body, the outer 'this' is not accessible directly, so any renaming of 'this' (if it were feasible) could stop there; but since programmers have adapted to that by renaming 'this' to 'that' or 'self' or .., we wouldn't be renaming 'this', we would be renaming 'that' or 'self' or .., and _that_ renaming would have to
'look for "outer" references within the inner binding'.

It needs a shift of perspective to see the old system as an incomplete realization of the lambda-calculus ideas, but once that is done, it seems clear why and how the old system is brittle (missing terms, partially defined rules)
and how the new system is more complete/consistent.

I tend to mention de Bruijn not just because his scheme
predates Berkling's but because it helps people to
understand how protection keys work. However, since you already understand that, I recommend that you think about the differences to de Bruijn, rather than the similarities; in particular, that shift-of-perspective is a rewarding exercise!

Since it has been so long, allow me to refer to a younger self:-) Section "2.2 lambda-calculi" in [1]. That was just my own way of formalizing Berkling's system as part of the introductory background for my own work. As such, it lacks formal proofs and details, but Figures 2.2-2.5 spell out what you describe, and Theorem 2.1 outlines how Church's calculus emerges if one omits terms involving protection keys. As an introduction, it is way too brief to touch on the wider world of Berkling's ideas[*], but it has the advantage of being readily available online.

What does this mean in practice? It means that someone refactoring at an outer level may be unaware that they've affected the index of an inner reference by changing a binding.

Then that is not a refactoring, is it?-) I see what you mean,
but you already have that problem if you add or remove
a binding now. As you said yourself: the binding structure is just represented differently.

It means you lose some of the locality that you get with traditional lexical scope.

<off topic>
It would actually be possible to recover even the bit of locality
that you refer to, but that would need a more drastic language
change (the non-locality comes because the protection keys
are attached directly to variable occurences, so adjusting protection is non-local in the same sense as traditional substitution is; the remedies for both non-localities work along similar lines: propagate the information step-by-step instead of all-at-once, move representations from meta- language to object-language).
I doubt that this generalization would ever fly with pragmatic
programmers, but for language designers and implementers
it is interesting: if we make the protection key manipulation
explicit in the language (rather than the meta-language, as
most formalizations do), we can perform compile-time optimizations on them (similar to compile-time garbage collection or type-checking). I seem to recall that I once tried to derive the more efficient supercombinator reduction from the more general beta reduction rules (if we make the protection key manipulations explicit instead of pushing them right down to variable occurrences, some of them cancel out, and never need to be pushed into the expression).
</off topic>

A machine is much better at consistently shifting big collections of integer indices without making a mistake.

Yes, also at managing scopes during refactoring. I prefer
tool support for refactoring (I was part of the team that built
such for Haskell98[2]), but given Javascript's nature, it would be hard to prove any refactorings correct. So one will have to resort to a combination of tool support and testing - still
preferable to manual refactoring (which most of us are
doing so far). And refactoring tools can profit from having a programming language in which program transformations can be expressed
without having to force renamings.

The problem is wider than 'this', 'this' just seems to be the main use case where the problem surfaces in Javascript practice at the moment.

And the reason for this is that |this| is implicitly bound. Which, as I said in my last email, is a good motivation for considering making it possible explicitly bind |this|.

I'm not against such attempts: thinking of 'this' as implicitly
bound is already much nicer than thinking of it as dynamically
bound, and being able to make the implicit binding explicit
(so that we can choose another name than 'this') would be a nice option to have, even if protection keys had any chance.

However, any changes in that area would also touch the core of what Javascript is about. There is no free lunch: if the core language needs to be changed, that is going
to have wide-ranging effects. That does not mean that
such a change is not worth the cost.

Btw, have you ever wondered whether 'var'-bindings are recursive?

This is a really basic question about JS, and not appropriate for this list.

Ah, perhaps I was too implicit. Let me make the design issue
clearer, and how it relates to our discussion:
function Outer() {
   var prefix = "Outer>";
   function Inner () {
       var prefix = prefix+"Inner>"; // this does not work;
       // neither the outer nor the inner definition are
       // accessible on the rhs, only the *uninitialized*
       // inner binding

I know definition constructs in which the left-hand side is available on the right-hand side (recursive value definitions in other languages, function definitions in Javascript), and I know definition constructs in which it isn't, but any previous
value is (assignment in Javascript, non-recursive definitions
in other languages); in all these constructs, either the current or the previous definition is available on the right-hand side;

Javascript's 'var' is the only construct I know (apart from memory-model bugs in Java, perhaps) in which the left-hand side name is forced to be undefined on the right-hand side; which means that neither the current nor the previous definition are available on the right-hand side, because the undefined state shadows both!

One could argue that the interim state (bound, but not
initialized) should not be exposed in an initializer, and I
would agree, but with protection keys, at least, this should work:

   var prefix = ^prefix+"Inner>"; // "Outer>Inner>"

I hope that explains why I raised this issue on this list?

.. I'm not talking about automatic rewriting. All of these representations of binding structure (names, de Bruijn indices, the "locally nameless" approach, the Berkling representation you describe) are different ways of representing graphs as trees. For the sake of formal systems, they're all equally expressive. The problem is that some of them are more susceptible to human error than others.

While that is true, I did not find Berkling's system any more
error-prone than Church's in practice. As a student, I implemented a small functional language - parser, compiler, runtime system, based on the G-machine papers, in a Berkling-style reduction language, and so did the other students in that course - protection keys were not a problem
(that was a semester-long project, following on from another
semester-long introduction to functional programming, so
we had ample time and opportunity to play with the system).

I only have small-scale experience with non-Berkling lambda
calculi implementations, but I always found the automatic renamings somewhere between confusing and annoying (both as a user and as an implementer).
During our project implementing the Haskell Refactorer
HaRe[2], I often found the lack of protection keys in Haskell limiting for our refactoring design choices - either we had to initiate renamings that the programmer had not asked for, to make the intended refactoring go through, or we had to abandon the refactoring with an error message indicating the naming conflict, asking the programmer to do a rename first, then try again..

If protection keys were at all "brittle" in the face of refactoring, none of his systems would ever have worked.

Nonsense-- there are all sorts of technologies that work and are brittle. Ask me over a beer some time, and I'll name a few. ;)

I assume some of them have been tested on students
or similarly suitable and unsuspecting subjects?-)

Quite contrary to being "brittle", protection keys introduce
the necessary flexibility that allows these systems to *avoid
breaking* the binding structure while automatically rewriting
the code.

I think the key to the misunderstanding here is the word "automatically." Of course you can automatically refactor just about any representation of variable binding. The question with a given representation is whether it's sensitive to small changes introduced by ordinary human refactoring (i.e., the everyday experience of programming) and therefore
more error-prone.

"automatic rewriting" is something humans can do, too:
complex tasks can be made less error-prone by having a consistent algorithm to follow, instead of one consisting of simple rules with lots of exceptions. For reference, and just as a subjective impression: students would get protection key manipulation wrong, but they would also get name capture wrong - the difference seemed to be that explaining the latter took longer than explaining the former. I would be tempted to generalize
that key manipulation errors tended to be problems of
execution, while name capture errors tended to be problems of understanding, but I have no data to back such intuition.

But the real answer to your question is that protection keys do not introduce new problems here: in closed programs, the same binding structures can be expressed without protection keys, so all the small changes and sensitivities already arise without them.

Of course, protection keys would give Javascript obfuscators
a new toy to play with, but they have ample toys already. So,
I am only referring to normal use in absence of reflection.


[1] http://community.haskell.org/~claus/publications/phd.html
[2] http://www.cs.kent.ac.uk/projects/refactor-fp/
   ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4I7VZV7elnY )

[*] Only for those of you who wanted more references or
   evidence of use:

I learned about Berkling's ideas mostly in Werner Kluge's research group (only met Berkling when he visited Kluge). Kluge tended to be more interested in how language design influenced paradigm-specific implementations (both abstract and real machines), but he is still the best source of references and explanations about Berkling's work. Kluge retired long ago, but has kept some of his old pages around:


For a very brief history and some references, see the related work section in Kluge's "Abstract Lambda Calculus Machines" 2nd Central European Functional Programming School CEFP 2007, LNCS 5161 (2008), pp. 112 -- 157

   (available online from those urls). That last section is an
   extract from one of Kluge's textbooks on the subject.

The PI-RED systems were the implementations of the Kiel Reduction Language, based on Berkling's reduction languages, so for reports on usage and implementation of a Berkling-style language, you might find the online versions of

   "A User's Guide for the Reduction System PI-RED"
Kluge, W., Internal Report 9409, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Kiel, Germany, 1994

"Using PI-RED as a teaching tool for functional programming and program execution" Kluge, W., Rathsack, C., Scholz, S.-B., Proc. Int. Symp. on Functional Programming Languages in Education, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 1996, LNCS 1022, (1996), pp. 231-250

"PI-RED+ An interactive compiling graph reducer for an applied lambda-calculus" Gaertner, D., Kluge, W. E., Journal of Functional Programming Vol. 6, No. 5, (1996), pp. 723-756

   relevant (availabe online via second url above).

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