On May 15, 2011, at 11:56 AM, Dmitry A. Soshnikov wrote:

> Oh, and just a small note -- perhaps there's a sense to put a comment near 
> each line to what result the expression evaluates in your examples, e.g.
> asset(p === q); // true (or false?)

That is confusing and pointless. I meant what I wrote. The assertions are 
intended to claim that their argument conditions are truthy.

See last reply for more on joining. It occurs to me you thought scope chain 
varying in the context of a pure hash-rocket such as #->42 means that function 
cannot be joined, but since it is pure, it need not entrain its scope chain as 
an internal [[Scope]] property.

More, since # freezes, there's no need for it to be duplicated, since there is 
no mutation side channel.

So http://wiki.ecmascript.org/doku.php?id=strawman:arrow_function_syntax 
proposes freezing and joining, only if the user specifies via the # prefix.

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