Note that

has been promoted to harmony:proposals status (see, so very likely to be 

With this flag on a regexp, you don't need extra arguments for a suite of 
methods. Instead you set the regexp's lastIndex property (or let it start at 0 
and then be updated by successive matches -- the y flag causes updates to 
lastIndex in the same way that the g flag does).

As for matching $ at the end, that is a less common use-case not served by the 
y flag. Usually you are lexing through a string and want to avoid an anchoring 
search, and of course avoid taking tail slices at each lastIndex. But the lexer 
munches according to a regular grammar and knows when to stop. It is atypical 
to want $ to match exactly N characters from the anchor point.


On Jun 2, 2011, at 10:32 AM, Peter van der Zee wrote:

> On Thu, Jun 2, 2011 at 7:17 PM, Mike Samuel <> wrote:
>> 2011/6/2 Peter van der Zee <>:
>>> A problem I faced recently is the inability to apply regular
>>> expressions to a substring of a string without explicitly taking the
>>> substring first. So I'm wondering how much trouble it would be to
>>> extend the RegExp api to this...
>>> RegExp.prototype.test = function(string[, start=0[, stop=string.length]]){ 
>>> };
>>> RegExp.prototype.exec = function(string[, start=0[, stop=string.length]]){ 
>>> };
>> What do the ^ and $ assertions in non-multiline mode mean when start
>> and stop are not [0, string.length)?
>> Do they match at the beginning and end of the substring?
> They mean exactly the same as they would do for
> regex.test(string.substring(start, stop))
>>> Optionally, it might be handy to have .test return a number,
>>> indicating the length of the (first) match. If zero, there was no
>>> match. This would however break with scripts that explicitly check for
>>> === false.
>> Using zero to indicate that there is no match will conflate zero
>> length matches with no match.
>> Consider
>>    /\b/.test("a-b") === true
> That's a good point. It suppose could return false, but that wouldn't
> be very backcompat for these cases. It could return -1 but that would
> definately be backcompat breaking.
> Well, it would have been nice. But if the tax on returning match
> length for .test is too big I'm not feeling that strong about it
> myself.
> - peter
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