On Jul 19, 2011, at 12:10 PM, Brendan Eich wrote:

> On Jul 19, 2011, at 11:39 AM, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:
>> The third column uses Object.specialize and Object.extend calls instead of 
>> <| and <&.
>> Note that Object.create can't be used instead of Object.specialize because I 
>> want the second argument to be a regular object literal rather than a 
>> property descriptor.
> "specialize" is ambiguous with respect to copying vs. delegating. How about 
> Object.delegate(to, from)? Or Object.clone, a Self homage?
> It's hard to love the keyword forms, and many clearly choke on the punctuator 
> stew. That plus the "usable from downrev scripts" lends weight to 
> Object.{clone,extend}.

I didn't expect any of the chosen words to stick, I think the visual shape of 
the code for the four alternatives is more interesting.  From that perspective 
I find that my eyes are more able to distinguish <| and <& as unique indicators 
that something important is happening near them.

WRT, the various words.  Their English meanings are simply hints (and for 
non-native speakers probably poor hints) at the actual specified meaning of 
each operator/function.  In my case, the concept that things down an 
inheritance hierarchy are more specialized and that things up the hierarchy are 
more generalized is deeply ingrained that "specialize" works as a very strong 
hint for me.  But that is a pretty geeky OO perspective and it might not work 
so well for others. Self use of clone has never seemed intuitive to me.  Clone 
to me is much more suggestive of a shallow copy.

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