Yes, tools should be better, but they need to start becoming better by
themselves as previous discussions here have noted.

However, there are problems in the language that need to be addressed by
both syntax and APIs. We need:

- A sane way of dealing with equality, identity and basically a lot of
what's in
- Ways of isolating code from the global scope
- Tools for avoiding XSS

And there are many other features that would help a lot.

There was talk about an "is" or "eq" operator to fix equality, but it seems
it got demoted or interest was lost. I'd love to hear more about what will do about ==, === and value wrappers like new Boolean(false).
Replacing == with ~= and === with == crossed my mind once.
Modules from and the "sandbox" attribute for iframes in HTML5 cover
pretty much everything we need for avoiding the problems of the global
Quasis should help with XSS, but as as Nicholas Zakas
an API String.htmlEscape() would be implemented faster and contribute more
in the short run.

So we need syntax as much as we need new APIs.

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