On Oct 13, 2011, at 12:23 PM, John J Barton wrote:

> If I get this right then:
>   var Result = {prototype: aPrototype, foo: baz} <| function aTempFunction() 
> { this.a = 'b';};
>   var aResult = new Result();
> gives me  {a:'b', __proto__:{__proto__:aPrototype} }
> Is it true? What happened to 'foo'?

'foo' is a property of the aTempFunction.__proto__ (to keep rolling with your 
naughty __proto__ usage ;-).

It's a "class property" or "class static" or "class-side inherited property".

>   Couldn't I just say:
>   var aResult = aPrototype <| {a: 'b'};

Sure, if you wanted a one-off and not a constructor with an inherited class 
property 'foo'.

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