Hey Dave.

On Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 10:28 PM, David Herman <dher...@mozilla.com> wrote:
> But with #2 I'm not clear on the intended semantics. You say this could be
> desugared but don't provide the details of the desugaring. The RHS is an
> arbitrary expression that evaluates to the prototype object (call it P),
> but the extends clause is meant to determine P's [[Prototype]], right? Do
> you intend to mutate P's [[Prototype]]? I wouldn't agree to that semantics.

To be a little clearer on the mechanism, it's the basic pattern you get
from most libraries that do this sort of thing. We can use goog.inherits as
the canonical example:

class Fox extends Animal {
  dig: function() {}

Fox becomes a constructor function with a `.prototype` that is set to an
instance of Animal that has been constructed without calling the Animal()
constructor. (The usual temporary-constructor-to-hold-a-prototype two step
shuffle). All of the own properties from the RHS are merged into the empty
prototype. The only mutation here is of a brand new object. Animal is not a
prototype here, it's a class (constructor function) in its own right.

> Another thing that this doesn't address is super(). Right now in ES5 and
> earlier, it's pretty painful to call your superclass's constructor:
> In general, I think your arbitrary-expression-RHS design is incompatible
> with the super keyword, which needs to be lexically bound to its
> class-construction site. I'll have to think about it, though.

super() is a separate (but very much needed) issue -- that should still
make it in to JS.next regardless of if a new class syntax does. Likewise,
super() calls should not be limited only to objects that have been build
with our new classes, they should work with any object that has a prototype
(a __proto__).

Depending on whether you implement it as a reference to the prototype, or a
reference to the prototype's implementation of the current function -- an
approach that I would prefer -- the general scheme is:

Take the current object's __proto__ and apply the method of the same name
there against the current object. If you know the name of the property, and
you have the reference to the prototype, I don't see why this would
preclude dynamic definitions.
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