On Tue, Nov 8, 2011 at 11:29 AM, Andreas Rossberg <rossb...@google.com>wrote:

> On 8 November 2011 19:13, Mark S. Miller <erig...@google.com> wrote:
> > The reason Proxy.attach may not be fatal is that it only allows
> attachment
> > to extensible objects. Our hypothesis is that any ES5 object that is
> > interested in defending itself has already made itself non-extensible.
> This
> > is why we must key this off of non-extensibility, rather than
> introducing a
> > new orthogonal bit -- to avoid breaching the defenses of those ES5 era
> > objects that tried to defend themselves.
> I don't think that addresses the issue I was describing. The problem
> is: the object itself can all be frozen, non-extensible,
> non-attachable just fine, but that doesn't achieve much by itself
> anymore because an attacker can still attach to each individual
> method, since they are entirely separate objects!
> So instead of just freezing an object, you _additionally_ would have
> to make all its _individual methods_ non-attachable (by whatever
> means). AFAICS, that affects assumptions of existing ES5 code quite
> severely.

In general, for an object to be defensive, much of the surface reachable
from it by transitive prototype and reflective property traversal should
usually be frozen, and at least non-extensible. This is possible to express
in ES5 <
but inconvenient and expensive. That's why I have been advocating better
defensive abstractions for ES6: "const functions", "const classes",
"traitsjs" or its syntactic derivatives, etc.

Nevertheless, I see your point. Many defensive ES5 abstractions will be
less defensive than this. If I understand you correctly, your point is
specifically about the [[Call]] and [[Construct]] traps. Perhaps we should
be more conservative here, without necessarily backing away from the whole
Proxy.attach idea?

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