On 08/11/11 21:36, Brendan Eich wrote:
Ignoring performance, a lot of stylish JS hackers use Object.keys(o).forEach. 
How many run into the wrong |this| (arguments/break/continue/return)? Not 
clear. Something to study.

Well, I use Object.keys, etc, a lot thorough my code. I can't remember a case where I forgot to pass the `thisObject' parameter to the `forEach'/`map' call in the last months, though it was weird when I transitioned to a more functional coding style.

I guess the number of cases I was bitten by the wrong |this| in the beginning is about the same number of ASI issues I ran into when I started using destructuring assignments for arrays. I'd assume that has a lot to do with coding habits — writing without properly thinking.

`reduce' and `reduceRight' don't have a `thisObject' argument. Why are they the only odd ones?
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