
I think private itself could be used as a shortcut to private(this). It may look for example like this:

class Foo {
  leq(other) {
    return private.weight <= private(other).weight;

It is not unprecedented, there already is a keyword that represents this as well as other object in a strange manner (super). So private can also be such a word.

I don't see any grammatical/parsing/syntanctic problems with this for the moment. Maybe you find one.


P.S.: Since it is very similar (and private.foo works everywhere, not only in constructor), it may be though of to remove 'private foo = bar;' in constructor in favour of 'private.foo = bar;'. But it is only sort of afterthought. Also, 'public baz = moo;' could then be changed by simple 'this.baz = moo;' to make code in constructor more akin to code used everywhere else.
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