I don't think we should change __proto__ unnecessarily from current implementations, including making it an accessor. Neither JSC nor SpiderMonkey does that.

We do need the ability to delete it, so it should live on Object.prototype and be configurable.

Ignoring the "don't gild the lily" (or "don't polish the turd") advice above, if we *do* reflect __proto__ as an accessor, then the same-frame problem still exists. Perhaps it can be solved by proxies, but why require that?


Gavin Barraclough <mailto:barraclo...@apple.com>
January 28, 2012 1:02 AM

Hi David,

It seems that the best way to neutralize the thread from new __proto__ instances, would be to simply prohibit __proto__ taken from one iframe to be applied to objects created in another. I think this should be achievable with the following tweaks to the strawman:

* The [[ProtoSetter]] method holds a private reference [[OwnerObjectPrototype]] to the ObjectPrototype upon which .
* Add a step 2b to the definition of [[ProtoSetter]](Parent), specifying:
Walk the prototype chain of O, comparing each successive prototype to the stored [[OwnerObjectPrototype]]. If the prototype chain does not contain [[OwnerObjectPrototype]], throw a TypeError.

What do you think? – are there holes this leaves open?

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David Bruant <mailto:bruan...@gmail.com>
January 20, 2012 4:07 PM

This is an attempt to list and discuss how threats of a mutable
__proto__ can be prevented and how it is different in the data and
accessor property cases.

## One frame

Assuming code from 2 parties are running in the same "frame" (one set of

var o = Object.create(Object.freeze({a:1}));
o.a = 1; // and may assume it will keep being this way unless shadowing 'a'

// passing o to malicious code:
o.__proto__ = {a:2};

// back in normal code:
o.a; // 2. hey! WTF!

### How to prevent this?
#### delete Object.prototype.__proto__

Unconditionnally prevents using __proto__ (setting and getting!) for
everyone (even those who would have "legitimate" use cases).

In case the property is a configurable accessor, the prototype setting
capability can be removed, getting can be left and the property can be
made non-configurable. The party who does this can keep the prototype
setting capability to herself and share with whoever she trusts. It is
also possible to share an attenuated version of the capability (allowing
to change the prototype of some objects and not some others)

#### non-extensible as protection

Object.preventExtensions(o) would protect just o.
This technique and the previous one could be used together.

## Several Object.prototype.__proto__ in the same "Vat" (synchronous
access to several Object.prototype.__proto__)

### Startup

If there are several Object.prototype at startup, the work to secure all
of them is just the work to secure one (delete or finer-grained version
of the accessor case), but repeated.

### Dynamic creation of Object.prototype.__proto__ instances

If a new Object.prototype.__proto__ becomes reachable (by opening a
same-origin iframe, for instance), if the parent can run before any
script in the child, she can do whatever she wants:
- deleting childframe.Object.prototype.__proto__ if she wants to defend
against what the child could do
- redefine any built-ins to attack the child.
If the child can run some code before the parent is notified that a new
Object.prototype.__proto__ is reachable, she can protect herself against
the parent or attack (redefine any built-in) of her parent.

## Questions

* What are all the cases in nowadays browsers where a new
Object.prototype.__proto__ can be dynamically created? (The only one I
can think of is same-domain iframe, but I think there exists some weird
rules for one frame to access another by changing its own domain to a
subdomain, or something like this)
* For each case, who has access to the other first? The creater or the
* One difference that is made in the accessor case is that if one party
runs before the other, then this first one can keep a reference to the
setter. Does this increase the already existing attack surface?

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