Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:
On Feb 1, 2012, at 7:13 PM, Brendan Eich wrote:
So far, so good, and latent here is the best case for not elaborating the left-hand side to include destructuring, if you can avoid bloating the grammar too much. Contra my "regularity plus small use-cases" argument, we leave for-in alone. We can even leave it underspecified as in ES5.

but still loose the initializer on var, right?

I think so. We can try. I'll see if Oliver and Gavin are game to try in JSC.

Also, for consistency I still allow let/const in place or var with with fresh bindings on each iterations. These are really orthogonal issues relating to the new blocked scoped declaration and we should handle them constantly everywhere.

Yes! Good news is we agreed (most of us, it was late the second day of last month's TC39 meeting) to make for(;;) have the same fresh binding per iteration.

From that perspective, own-ness again is something that should primarily be an implementation concern.

Historically this came up because pre-ES5 people couldn't extend Array.prototype, e.g., without making enumerable properties. But of course then the wisdom said don't use for-in on arrays. Object.prototype is verboten, and at some cost in using custom functional-programming style iteration, we're ok (PrototypeJS status quo).

The problem that may remain is that

 for own (k in o) ...;

still beats

 for (k in keys(o)) ...;

not only by a couple of chars not counting import or assuming prelude, but in terms of people's historical memory and folk-wisdom learning.

I would think we could make this
   for (k in own(o)) ...;
   for (k of own(o)) ...;

keys etc. are currently spec'ed to to do own-only, you want allKeys to do the crazy thing:

Let's not go around and around on this. Enumerable proto-properties are harmful, no one wants them.

if the object produced by own() provides appropiate definitions for [[Enumerate]] and [[Iterate]]

Jason's cheat-sheet (I cited it fully) shows "good enough" sugar if you do the import, or we agree on the prelude.

Presumably, the only prior leaning that applies comes from CoffeeScript. While CS is popular, it isn't at all close to being used by the majority of JS developers. CS experience is informative but I don't think we have to worry so much about CS derived habits.

It's informative, agreed, and competitive -- my point. TC39 does poorly inventing new and untested API. We do better paving cowpaths. I think we should be careful not to get too far ahead of de-facto standards, while avoiding being hostage to language design flaws from the past. We also should not oversell Smalltalk, etc. -- Smalltalk is informative (your collections port especially) but not particularly more important (or less) than CS.

Should we ignore all this and say "just use for-of with the right iterator?"


Ok. Is this what you are doing (modulo the initialiser removal)?
I assume that you are arguing that the default @iterator for Object.prototype (however it is provided)

No! I clearly said there is no @iterator in Object.prototype.

does a key enumeration just like ES1-5 for-in. Or are you arguing that it produces nothing?

No @iterator in Object.prototype. We've been over this, Jason argued convincingly against pre-defining one because it is future-hostile to collection iteration.
I just need to find the right thread...

Me too.

There is still a default. The iterators proposal says that for-of falls back to @enumerate if @iterate isn't present.

That's a proxy trap, and I believe that dates from before for-of. We need to revisit this now, based on splitting iteration out to for-of and leaving for-in the old enumerating mystery meat that it has always been. Cc'ing Tom.

It's important to distinguish property default from proxy trap built-in.

If there's an Object.prototype.@iterator that iterates values, or [key,value] pairs, or whatever, then we make it hard for new collections and set-like abstractions to do something slightly different.

BTW, this is a good example of something that should not be built into statement semantics. Why should |for (v or values(o))...| iterate differently than |values(o).forOf({|v|...})|

Do you mean forEach?

Who says values(o) returns an array? That is costly and the point of iterators is to use a lazy protocol. Indeed the

proposal has values a generator (returns an iterator).

My currently thinking (working off of the current wiki proposal) is to have [[Enumerate]] and [[Iterate]] internal methods (for all objects) and it is in their default implementation that [[Iterate]] delegates to [[Enumerate]].

No, see above. We do not want to mix these up. Iteration via for-of uses the iteration protocol.

No issue here, I think. We want for (x of {p:1, q:2}) to throw, without the user first having defined @iterator in Object.prototype (and that would not be recommended practice).

Not what the wiki proposal currently says...


Stopping for now to avoid mega-reply syndrome.

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