How about a couple of new formats for Number ...

This is similar to the normalised 'toExponential', but the exponent is a multiple of 3 and there are 1, 2, or 3 digits before the decimal point. The format makes it visually easy to relate a string representation of a number to SI scaling prefixes ("mega", "giga", "milli", etc).

Many newer pocket calculators provide this format and it seems to be gaining ground in formatters generally. It is useful in engineering, say if one is working with microwatts, megaohms, ...

This is similar to 'toExponential' but is in the normalised hexadecimal form instead of decimal.
E.g.  1.4A2p+4
The letter 'p' corresponds to decimal's 'e', and means "times 2 to the power of".
The *binary* exponent is represented in signed *decimal*.
The hex representation should probably be in lowercase to match that of 'toString(16)'.

GNU's printf provides this format with its %a and %A conversions. The format is useful for transferring arbitrary binary floating-point values exactly, whereas decimal formats round them.
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