Isn't it used in E4X (not that I used it or care for it; but I recall I have read somewhere :: is not usable for this reason... I would otherwise proposed it already ;-) )?


Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:

On Mar 17, 2012, at 2:03 AM, Russell Leggett wrote:

//using : instead of <|, shorten Email.prototype to just Email
let email = Email:"

Basically you are saying that : becomes an expression operator. However,
that creates an ambiguity (and potential backwards compatibility issues)
with the use of : as a statement label designator:

Email: " <>";
//already valid ES meaning Email is the label of this statement.

However, unless I'm overlooking something, :: would work just fine.

let email = Email :: "ressell.leggett@gmail";

I not recall why we haven't seriously considered :: as an alternative to
<|. It certainly eliminates all the typography issues.

I updated my standing test case to use it:

It looks fine, perhaps not quite as visually distinctive as <| but it
certainly eliminates all the typography issues.

I think this it it! We should replace the <| symbol with ::



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