On Apr 10, 2012, at 4:01 PM, Axel Rauschmayer wrote:

> What is a good term for functions that don’t have/use dynamic `this`? 
> “Non-method function” defines them by what they aren’t, I would like a 
> positive definition. I’ve considered the term “pure function”, but the 
> adjective “pure” is already heavily overloaded, especially in functional 
> programming.
> Any ideas?

How about:

procedure - call "callable" object
method - a procedure that has a dynamic this (or super) dependency
function - a procedure that does not have a dynamic this dependency
detached method - a method that has not been associated with an object via 

FunctionDeclarations and FunctionExpressions may be used to define either 
methods or functions.
Arrow Function expression only define functions
Concise method definitions in object literals and class definitions may define 
either methods or functions

It's messy, but emphasizes that the important thing is what the function 
depends upon rather than which syntactic form was used to define it.


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