On Thu, May 24, 2012 at 11:10 AM, Brendan Eich <bren...@mozilla.com> wrote:
> David Bruant wrote:
>> Once we're at it, for the sake of completeness there is probably no harm
>> in adding a Reflect.setPrototype at this point, is there?
> There is, just as there's a cost to Object.setPrototypeOf (the obvious place
> to put it to match Object.getPrototypeOf from ES5). Mark pointed out that
> he'd have to delete that static method too, and from every frame that might
> run SES code. But when mashing up SES and non-SES code, it would be better
> not to break the non-SES code by such deletion.
> Having only the SES environment's Object.prototype.__proto__ to delete is
> better.

How is this this line of reasoning -- which I read as 'support for
SES-environments and non-SES-environments' -- not violating 1JS?

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