Felix Böhm wrote:
Okay, fair point. But JSON.parse should do what it's name says: Parse JSON. Ignoring keys is not an option.
JSON.parse must not treat __proto__ specially, per ES5. What's the problem you see?

Having __proto__ as a setter would make much more sense for me, too. No magic involved, just some functionality I don't need to care about.

Please see the thread on "Re: Subclassing built-in constructors", also the meeting notes followups from me. __proto__ has a hidden setter, it masquerades as a data property to avoid leaking a set-[[Prototype]] capability that would require extra checking and could (based on long and hard experience) lead to mischief.

The de-facto and soon to be de-jure Object.prototype.__proto__ standard has no bearing on ES5's JSON.parse, which continues unchanged per the JSON RFC (I trust -- tell me if you see a bug).

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