Mark S. Miller wrote:

    I think that

                   p1: expr0,
                   p2() {return this.p1},
                   get p3 () {someSideEffect(); return this.p1}


                   p1 = expr1;
                   p3   //I didn't include this case in the bnf I wrote up

    are syntacticly distinctive enough that there would be no reason
    to trade them off against each other.  They should each be
    consider based upon their unique utility.  An advantage of  my
    recent strawman (and what we discussed at the TC39 meeting) is
    that it leveraged one construct for  a larger number of use cases.
     That is generally a good think, if it doesn't create confusion.
     Unfortunately may strawman may not meet that mark.

    If you are concerned about the overall syntactic complexity budget
    of the language, then we aren't limited to only trading the above
    two constructs off against each other. There are other new and
    relatively complex syntactic embellishments that we have adopted
    that IMO may not have as much general utility as either of the
    above.  If we are concerned about the  syntactic complexity
    budget, we should be looking globally at all the proposals.  But,
    that is another conversation.

My concern is indeed the overall complexity budget. And I agree. I'm happy to have both of these if we can make some real complexity cuts elsewhere. I look forward to that other conversation ;).

I think this is too blind of the particulars. We shouldn't bean-count when complexity-budgeting because we can get stuck hill-climbing at a local maximum where there's a better hill to climb just over the horizon. My TXJS talk last year went on about this a bit too much but it is a recurring theme.

I would say we should cater to [[Put]] common cases with custom syntax first, and wait for extend-with-accessors use-cases to feel some pain from having to use the ES5 Object APIs. So I agree with Nicholas, Tab, and Dave.

Further, you and I agree syntax should distinguish distinct-enough semantics, so no : for [[Put]], rather =. We both like the Smalltalk homage. Dave reminded me of how the {}-bracketed form looks nicer than the () form, though, because it looks like a (restricted as to parse tree children) block.

I'm ok with either, but that means I must come down against mustache as proposed -- obj.{prop: val, get x()..., m() {...}}. I don't see the define instead of assign use-case as deserving this syntax, and now that Dave has recapitulated it, the imperative update hiding in declarative syntax rubs me the wrong way too.

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