Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:
On May 30, 2012, at 4:42 PM, Brendan Eich wrote:
What we agreed to last week: no |super| outside of classes in ES6,
no Object.defineMethod in ES6. That's what I recall and what the
notes say (re: |super|).

I also don't see the mention of defineMethod although I know we
talked about it.

I agree that we have a deferral of super/defineMethod but I
personally don't think the former is going to stay deferred, if we
reach agreement on classes that have super.

Ultimately, I think we will find that we can't have a semantics like
|super| that is only usable within a syntactic class definition but
has no reflective support and no way way to programmatically desugar
a class definition into  the exact equivalent set of object
definitions.  That's only half a solution.  support of |super|
outside of class is the only think missing to enable that. So, it
something I will likely continue top push on.

In that light mustache with super containing concise methods seems
like a very good way to avoid the defineMethod usability issues.

+a lot!

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