Rick Waldron wrote:
On Tue, Jun 12, 2012 at 11:45 AM, Ryan Florence <rpflore...@gmail.com <mailto:rpflore...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    I use ||= very regularly in ruby and coffeescript, both of which
    have default arguments.

I don't see Ryan's mail.

First, as we've discussed in the past, ||= in Ruby is not what we've proposed. In JS, assignment operators expand like so

  A op= B;  ~~>  A = A op B;

with of course a temporary to hold the base of A (which must evaluate to a Reference) so side effects are not duplicated.

In Ruby IIRC, A ||= B is A = B unless A (hope I have this right).

This matters if A is an accessor. Do we always set A, even to its current value if truthy?

        I definitely agree that default arguments are a decent
        alternative. I can't recall examples where it wouldn't be
        enough. Do you have use cases where you would use ||= and
        default argument values couldn't be used?

    Its super handy for caching and late/dynamic initialization of
    object properties.

        var events = {

          _callbacks: {},

          on: function (topic, callback) {
            (this._callbacks[topic] ||= []).push(callback);

This is handy, and also idiomatic but to multiple languages.

It's worth considering, but we need to wrestle the semantics to the ground. If the left-hand side's value is truthy, I argue there should be no useless assignment of that value to the left-hand side.

IOW I favor Ruby semantics. This breaks from JS's C-inspired assignment operators, but perhaps we can live with it.

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