On Jul 30, 2012, at 2:56 PM, Brendan Eich wrote:

> Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:
>> The commonly used semantics of ES5's bind did not differ significantly any 
>> other widely used implementation of a Function.prototype.bind method. so 
>> replacing one with the other wasn't disruptive.
> Could be, but there were differences:
> https://mail.mozilla.org/pipermail/es-discuss/2012-January/019382.html
> I think you're on thin ice arguing this was so much less signfiicant than 
> Object.extend (or let's say Object.update).

Perhaps.  I think the most important compatibility situation is when the old 
and new names are the same.  For example, Function.prototype.bind or 
Object.extend.  I understood that Function.prototype.bind was more common 
before ES5 than it may have really been.  However, in my reading of the 
MooTools docs (http://mootools.net/docs/core/Types/Function#Function:bind ) it 
sounds very similar to ES5 bind

>> Object.extends and similar but differently named or  located framework 
>> functions are not nearly as well aligned in their core semantics.
> First, "differently named" applied to bind precursors, e.g. Dojo's hitch.
> Second, here's a post from jresig years ago:
> https://mail.mozilla.org/pipermail/es-discuss/2008-July/006709.html
> This is out of date, but note how for-in is used in all cases. There's a lot 
> of common ground here, and some uncommon bits that look not a whole lot 
> bigger or different-in-kind from the bind/hitch/etc. ones we overcame in ES5.

The JSFixed proposal uses getOwnPropertyNames rather than for-in and I can't 
imagine that we would adopt a semantics that copied inherited properties 
similarly to a for-in based implementation.  Similarly, I can't imagine that we 
wouldn't correctly handle accessors.  If a new method has to be polyfillable 
back to ES3 then its semantics needs to be more limited.  A much better job can 
be done if you only have to polyfill for ES5.  But that doesn't really provide 
anything new. If it is important, why isn't somebody in the community 
evangelize  a sound de facto standard ES5 level extend-like function that all 
frameworks could adopt. TC39 isn't necessary for such a thing to be widely 


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