David Bruant wrote:
var context = document.getElementsByTagName('canvas')[0].getContext('2d');

// bikeshed syntax for binding destructuring, my point isn't about syntax here var #{beginPath: begin, moveTo, lineTo, stroke, closePath: end} = context;
    // extracted methods are bound to the context object.

The # was somewhat wanted for records, tuples, and const functions, once.

Appreciate that the # syntax is straw, so permit me to light the match. The challenge is to put the |this| binding on the left-hand side, without making the pattern language not be covered by the object and array literal subgrammar or a plausible extension of it. One idea:

var {beginPath: begin, moveTo, lineTo, stroke, closePath: end}.bind(context) = context;

In a binding or even lvalue context, this would make a special form without adding syntax or reserving bind otherwise. It does require repeating |context| on LHS where that occurs on the RHS, though.

For DRY, new syntax seems required. From


we would write

    var begin = ::context.beginPath;

to extract just one bound method reference.

(Note that :: was wanted for guards too, so its use here is straw of a flammably dry kind. Note also that the grammar in the strawman under "Syntax" is not complete.)

The equivalence between let foo = obj.bar; and let {bar: foo} = obj; suggests

var {beginPath: begin, moveTo, lineTo, stroke, closePath: end} = ::context;

but this separates the :: on the RHS from the destructuring on the LHS.

Could we instead make :: part of the pattern language too? It would be covered by the (corrected) grammar in Dave's bind operator proposal.

var ::{beginPath: begin, moveTo, lineTo, stroke, closePath: end} = context;

Your wish to mix auto-bound and unbound method destructuring could be met by:

    var {unbound, ::bound} = object;

which could be written without destructuring, but with the bind operator strawman, as

    var unbound = object.unbound, bound = ::object.bound;

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