
It's been a couple of days that this thread has had no update and specifically no answer to Mark Miller's question "Other than the additional complexity, which is a significant argument against, what other arguments are there against enabling a proxy to drop its target?" So I guess we can assume agreement (until proven otherwise) on the necessity of a language construct for revoking target access and can consider moving forward on the "how".

Here are 3 proposals I made:
* A Proxy.revokeTarget(proxy) & corresponding revokeTarget trap (returns a boolean to decide whether to procede or not). After the access to the target has been revoked, any attempt to touch the proxy throws an exception without trapping (very much like transferable objects when they've been transfered IIRC). If no revokeTarget trap is provided, the target is not revoked (return false by default).
Called on a non-proxy object, Proxy.revokeTarget does nothing.
Of course, if someone else holds a reference to the target, it is not garbage-collected no matter how many proxies have been revoked access to it. * Alternatively, the proxy constructor returns a pair so that only the proxy creator has access to the revoke method (removes the need for the trap). But it induces boilerplate when you don't care about revokability. * Alternatively, having 2 constructors, Proxy and RevokableProxy. The former is the one for current direct proxies, the latter returns a pair as described in the second proposal.

I tend to favor the third proposal because revokability is not everyone's use case and having "new Proxy()" returning a proxy seems more intuitive.

Are there other proposals? other preferences?

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