On 12/15/12 12:48 PM, David Bruant wrote:
Sure, but those aren't properties on the _global_.  They're properties
on a different object.
Script authors can't observe the fact that it's a different object.

Yes, they can. The third and fourth alerts in my testcase constitute just such an observation: per spec the third alert there must be looking at a property of the global, and it is, while the fourth alert is clearly looking at some other object, since it has a different value for the property.

There's a slight wrench in here in that the script-visible "this" object for non-strict functions is also supposed to be the global per spec, but in practice it's the WindowProxy.

They just have access to one WindowProxy object (they know it's the same with
object identity).

They have direct access to just the WindowProxy. They have access to property gets and sets on the actual global, though, via barewords.

This object is the one that must show some consistency.

That, we agree on.

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