Brendan Eich wrote:
> Ease of teaching != successfully imparted knowledge at scale. Sorry, but
> it's true. People don't use "use strict"; at top level enough, and
> teaching them all will take time. Even then, because of the Law of Least
> Effort, it'll be left out.
> This is the major objection some of us keep raising, and you don't
> engage with it. Please do!

This got me thinking (and I wonder if anyone has some data/experiences/guesses 
about this): How many people put <!doctype html> at the top of their HTML files 
in order to opt-in to standards mode.  I sure do!  Every time I write an HTML 
file it's the first thing I write. I wonder if that experience is the more 
common one?

I admit to not writing "use strict"; in most of my JS files due to laziness (I 
prefer to use strict when I'm taking my time). I guess the carrot isn't as big 
in ES5 as it is in HTML/DOM, at least in my eyes. It seems like a pretty 
parallel situation to me.

But with a bigger carrot, I sure wouldn't be too lazy!  And my assumption is 
others would gain the energy as well (unless there are still a bunch of devs 
out there not putting a doctype in their HTML, in which case the fear of Law of 
Least Effort is quite valid).

Does anyone have some data to quench my curiosity?

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