Herby Vojčík wrote:
Brendan Eich wrote:
Herby Vojčík wrote:
In a few words, with class and constructor separated, you can specify
what object should represent the class

Why? Where are the use-cases driving this, which goes beyond class as
constructor function that can be called as well as new'ed?

This question is unfair: no one have "use cases" for this, when it was not possible at all in the language.

Nothing's unfair about designing by use-cases, and that's how a lot of the Web standards roll. Notorious counter-examples have gone off the rails by doing otherwise, but I won't try to sum of the problems so simplistically. Nevertheless, we need use-cases, preferably ones already approximated by library code or transpilers.

I'd ask the contrary*: what are the use case of tying class with its own constructor function?

Designing means saying "no" and leaving things out (N. Wirth, IIRC). That's point #1.

JS already has the prototypal pattern with constructor function as "class", and that's what Harmony (now ES6) classes sugar. Point #2.

Stopping here. See my other reply on path dependency if you haven't yet.

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