Le 09/01/2013 14:55, Andrea Giammarchi a écrit :
all this reminds me, hilariously, the Object.defineProperty case in Internet Explorer 8 ... the infamous implementation that works only on global and DOM objects. Here we have the opposite behavior, something so powerful that could let us redefine W3C specs or eventually make them consistent across browsers where every time something is needed we don't even need to wait for specs to be approved (I know, this might be the beginning of the Chaos too) will land in Web development world half-backed and with known inconsistencies able to break normal code.
With the shadow target idea, you could make a huge amount of things consistent across browsers I think. It costs twice as much objects and I don't know for time performance, but at least, you have the cross browser.

So, at least, I would expect an error **when** the new Proxy is not able to replace the identity of the first argument and not after, because after is simply too late and I think completely pointless.
I strongly agree with this idea. Either the object can be safely wrapped and it is or if it cannot, throw on the Proxy constructor call.

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