Kevin Smith wrote:
> In ES5, there is no distinction between "public" and "private" data within
> an object.  If you want to create private data, you must do so using a
> closure.  All private data is therefore "external" to the object in
> question.  The data does not "follow" the object around.  This is a simple
> model.  It is easy to reason about.  It's not clear that this model is
> insufficient for our needs.

I have enjoyed the many conversations revolving around WeakMaps & symbols very 
much, and in the scheme of things I'll be just fine without private symbols 
(I've made it without them so far). However, I do disagree that it's easy to 
reason about data in ES5. I do think that it's insufficient, and I would point 
to the spec itself as evidence that the concept of "private" data significantly 
improves reasoning when dealing with objects.

The ES5 spec describes built-ins as having "private" data associated with each 
object (you know those [[InternalProperties]]). It would be perfectly possible 
for the spec to describe the behavior of built-ins without referring to 
"private" properties, but the spec uses this model because it is the most 
convenient model. Yet, ES5 does not provide any means within the language for 
developers to tie "private" data to objects. (It's always been a strange facet 
of the ES language that built-ins are able to be more magical than user-defined 

If it was such a simple model to do without "private" data, my questions would 
be (1) Why does the spec itself not do without the concept when describing 
built-ins? (2) Why do so many developers use underscore properties to 
*simulate* private data? (3) Why do other developers abandon prototypal 
inheritance and build their objects inside constructors so that they can have 
private data?

It's my opinion that saying that closures should be used for an object to hold 
onto private data, as you are advocating, is in conflict with ES's prototypal 
model of inheritance. Methods cannot both (A) be on a constructor's prototype 
and (B) live inside the scope used to house private data. The developer is 
forced to make a decision: Do I want my methods to be defined on the 
constructors prototype or do I want them to have access to private data?

The fact that ES built-ins' methods are defined on the prototype **and** have 
access to private data seems to indicate that the ideal model would allow both. 
WeakMaps do, to a degree, permit both, but it's just a hack. If it wasn't, the 
ES spec itself would describe built-ins' private data as living outside the 
object itself in a WeakMap. The spec doesn't do that because it's unnatural. 
Private symbols provide a mechanism for tying private data to objects in the 
most natural and reasonable way.

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