Thanks for the explanations and additional details. Let me first try to rephrase, to see whether I've understood your reasoning:

The problem comes from the partial integration of types in ES, specifically having typed arrays but no easy way to express and control the types of the functions mapped over them.

And your solution is to fix to being type-preserving, and to use an auxiliary map in Container.from instead of when type changing mappings have to be expressed. Using <> for type parameters, => for function types, and suppressing a few details (such as prototype, this, index parameter), we can write the types of the two groups of operations as

Array<Elem>.map : (<Elem> => <Elem>) => Array<Elem>

Container<Elem2>.from : Iterable<Elem1> => (<Elem1> => <Elem2>) => Container<Elem2>

where the ES5 Array is seen as Array<Any> (so arbitrary mappings are still supported at that level), and Array<Int32>, etc are written as type-level constants Int32Array, for lack of type-level constructor syntax (the parameterized Interface Iterable<> is also inexpressible).

Since ES cannot guarantee that the mappings have the expected
types, an implicit conversion of the mapped elements to the expected element type will be enforced (probably with a type
check to avoid unexpected conversions?).

So f )
will be read as roughly (elem) => Number( f(elem) ) )


   Int32Array.from( iterable, f )


   Int32Array.from( iterable, (elem) => Number( f(elem) ) )

Do I have this right, so far?

var intArray = new Int32Array([42,85,127649,32768]); //create a typed array from a regular array
var strArray =>v.toString());

If produces a new intArray then the above map function is invalid. If produces an Array instance then you instance of intArray.constructor desire won't hold. We can't have it both ways without provide some additional mechanism that probably involves additional parameters to some methods or new methods.

It is this additional mechanism which I'm after. In typed languages,
it is long-established practice to put the additional parameters at
the type level and to hang the interface on the type-level constructor,
and I wonder how much of that could be translated for use in ES.

For instance, being able to specify an overloaded map function was the motivating example for introducing type constructor
classes in Haskell

A system of constructor classes: overloading and implicit higher-order polymorphism Mark P. Jones, In FPCA '93: Conference on Functional Programming Languages and Computer Architecture, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 1993.

1) produces the same kind of array that it was applied to, so:

for the above example
m instance of V will be true.>v.toSring()) produces an Int32Array. The strings produced by the map function get converted back to numbers.

Given the history of implicit conversions in ES, have you considered just doing runtime type checks, without those new implicit conversions?

2) If you want to map the elements of an array to different kind of array use <ArrayClass>.from with a map function as the second parameter:

var strArray = Array.from(intArray, v=>v.toString());

This seemed like a less invasive change then adding additional target kind
parameters to  Also it seems like a very clear way for
programmers to state their intent.
ES isn't Java or C#. We don't have formalized interfaces (although it is useful to think and talk about informal interfaces) and since we are
dynamically typed we don't need to get sucked into the tar pit of generics.

If a programming concept is as useful as interfaces are, it usually pays to think about language support for it. And I was certainly not thinking
of Java or C#, more of TypeScript, where the team seems to be working
on JavaScript-suited generics for the next version, to be able to type
current JavaScript library code.
Btw, parametric polymorphism in ML and its refinements and
extensions in Haskell were elegant and concise tools before they got watered down in a multi-year process to fit into Java. If you have bad
experience with generics, they probably come from Java's adaption.

How would use produce an Array of strings from an Int32Array?

Somewhat like

   Array.from( int32Array ).map( (elem) => elem.toString() )

Implementations would be free to replace the syntactic pattern
with an optimized single pass (in more conventional optimizing
language implementations, such fusion of implicit or explicit loops is standard, but even ES JIT engines -with their limited time for optimization- should be able to spot the syntactic pattern).

- instead of limiting to Array, .from-map is now limited to iterables
  (it would work for Set, which is really OrderedSet, but it wouldn't
  work for WeakMap)

We already have Array.from that works with iterables, how does adding a map function change anything related to the <ArrayClass>.from result domains

My point was that map is far more widely useful, not limited to
Array (, and not limited to Array construction
from Iterables (Array.prototype.from with second parameter). Consider map on event emitters, on promises, on exceptions, on generators, ..

I don't have an alternative solution that would cover all use cases in ES uniformly, because the existing solutions in other languages do not translate directly. However, I wanted to ring a warning bell that adding a different partial solution for every new use case is not going to scale well (especially with things being so difficult to change once they are in ES), and misses potential for writing generic library code. If I have to write different code, depending on whether I need to map over a constructed Array, an Array under construction, an Array or an Int32Array, a generator, a promise, etc., then that will result in duplicate code instead of generic code.

With a general solution to the issue, I would expect to write

  SubArray.from( iterable ).map( val => val ) instanceof SubArray

yes, the above will produce an instance of SubArray. But the above also has the cost of an extra copy and the map function doesn't get to see the original iterable's values.

Implementations can fuse .from().map() as well as .map().from();
if you want access to the unconverted elements, you want to map
over the iterable, not the resulting Array (again, with loop fusion
in the implementation):

   SubArray.from( val => f(val) ) )

Of course, since map isn't part of a standard Array-independent
interface, I have to write that as a generator expression (not sure
whether I'm up to date on their syntax) instead of a map.

   SubArray.from( (for ( elem of iterable ) in f(elem) ) )

while also getting

  new Mapable().map( val => val ) instanceof Mapable

I don't even know how to interpret the above, as we don't have a class or constructor named Mapable.

fair enough - Mapable being intended as an interface for classes
implementing map wouldn't be new-able, so this was pseudo code
for instantiating any class that implements such a Mapable. I think a full solution for polymorphic map will require some way of specifying interfaces independent of the classes (Array, Int32Array, Promise, generators, ..) implementing them.

PS. What about array comprehensions and generator expressions?

What about them? Array comprehensions are a for of Array initializer and always produce an Array instance. Generaltor expressions produce iterators (which are iterable).

Array comprehensions are a full array processing language, which can be desugared to explicit array operations like map
and filter, so they tend to have the same problems as map
and filter do. Will I be able to use array comprehensions with Int32Arrays, or to convert between array types? Will I be able
to call .map on iterators/generator expressions, without using
case-specific syntax?


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