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[cc'ing Oliver Hunt as Apple representative and Luke Hoban as Microsoft representative for questions at the bottom]

Le 27/03/2013 23:47, Brendan Eich a écrit :
You have it backwards. You are advocating a GC design monoculture (exact rooting only)
My point was that *some* implementations strategies don't have the issue and I pointed at one as an example. I wasn't implying it will/can/should be the only one. I'm open to other implementations that wouldn't use exact rooting, but wouldn't have the pointed security issue of conservative scanning. I'm open to any solution within the "memory-safe monoculture". I probably won't be shocking anyone if I say that interpreting a number as a pointer is a bad idea? I think it's the first argument MarkM gives when he says that C++ isn't a memory-safe language.

Jason Orendorff wrote:
Brendan's arguing for*more*  latitude for implementations to use different 
I see. But clearly, the attack demonstrates that some implementation techniques (conservative scanning namely) have flaws. Maybe the latitude that goes up to accepting conservative scanning as an acceptable implementation technique isn't worth it as we want to see the language evolve.

Brendan Eich wrote:
ECMA-262 does not dictate GC design, and won't.
If TC39 makes a judgement call on what features can go in ECMA-262 or how they are designed based on what implementations are considered acceptable, then ECMA-262, by not having some features or having features design in a certain way carries an invisible weight that doesn't "dictate", but definitely drives implementors into making some choices (like keeping a conservative scanning GC).

[From the "Weak event listener" thread]
Can you re-defend enumerability of weakmaps now that I've pointed out the security risk does not apply only to SES users, to be addressed by SES removing the @iterator?
Just to clarify, I still feel (60%) against WeakRefs and enumerable WeakMaps/WeakSets. What I was defending was that if WeakRefs are in, then there is no reason to pretend making WeakMaps non-enumerable because of determinism, because the non-determinism brought by enumerable weakmaps isn't worse than the non-determinism brought by weakrefs (and I still need to answer Kevin Gadd's post). That said, the security risk you pointed out is based on what I consider to be a flawed implementation (try implementing conservative stack scanning in a memory safe language like Rust), so assuming implementors are willing to admit conservative scanning is a bad idea and they plan to move away from it, WeakRefs and enumerable WeakMaps can still be discussed and their design can be freely discussed. V8 has exact rooting, SpiderMonkey is getting there. As Sam pointed out, there are other incentives (generational GC?) for engines to get rid of conservative scanning (what an interesting non-coincidence :-) ). That's a lot of signal showing that implementors are moving away from conservative scanning.

I guess 2 relevant questions would be addressed directly to JSC and the IE team [cc'ing Oliver Hunt and Luke Hoban for that reason]: if you added weakrefs to your JS engine, would you be subject to the described attack? Do you have a plan to move away at some point in the future from your current implementation (to prevent the attack or whatever other good reason)? "at some point in the future", because the when is not important, but the intent really is.

If the answers are 'yes' and 'no' for one of the 2 JS engines, then only does TC39 have a problem with including Weakrefs to ECMA-262, I think. I haven't read such a thing yet (did off-list/off-meeting notes discussion occur?), so let's wait until they bring these exact answers and then only either forget about WeakRefs until they change their mind or tweak the WeakRef design until it becomes something they'd accept to implement. But making one of these decisions before being forced to seems prematurate to me.

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