It's all in the specification draft. 

In general, read the spec. draft not the wiki pages which are neither complete, 
accurate, or normative.


On Apr 2, 2013, at 10:21 AM, Brandon Benvie wrote:

> Is there any collected reference to what's been accepted from Object Literal 
> Extensions [1]? There's definitely out of date stuff on there and I'm not 
> sure what things have been formally accepted (with consensus) for ES6, which 
> are generally assumed to be accepted for ES6, and which are definitely not 
> going to be for ES6. For example, object literal property shorthands (method) 
> seem like something that's generally accepted to be in ES6 (people often use 
> it in example code here on es-discuss) but I can't find a reference to where 
> it was actually agreed upon.
> Another related thing that's not at that page but is related is shorthand 
> object initializers, like `var a = 5, b = 10, x = { a, b }` which I only see 
> mentioned under the issues in [2]. This seems like an easy feature for ES6 
> but I can't find any formal discussion of it.
> The reason I ask is because I don't see bugs related to implementing any of 
> these features for either V8 or SpiderMonkey which leaves me wondering what 
> is intended to be in ES6.
> [1]
> [2]
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