Le 02/04/2013 04:24, Kenneth Russell a écrit :
Agreed. DataView's methods are all simple and should be easy to
optimize. Because they include a conditional byte swap, they can't run
quite as fast as the typed arrays' accessors -- but they shouldn't
need to. DataView was designed to support file and network I/O, where
throughput is limited by the disk or network connection. The typed
array views were designed for in-memory assembly of data to be
submitted to the graphics card, sound card, etc., and must run as fast
as possible.
When you are streaming things, what's the correct use of DataViews?

ie : you are supposed to create each time you want to read some bytes a DataView (which can be optimized or whatever, but still with some costs)?

Maybe it's outside of the scope of this discussion, I have already provided examples, I still suspect that I am using it wrongly or that ArrayBuffers are more adapted to webgl (ie static buffer manipulation) than network streaming (ie dynamic buffer manipulation).

Probably I am wrong but really would like to know then what's the correct use.


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