Be it Promise or Future, instanceof won't work across frames. It would likely 
still require a Future.isFuture/Promise.isPromise just as we need to have 
Array.isArray now. That is, of course, unless we can use symbols for branding 
in a fashion that library authors could use without forking their library for 
pre- and post- ES6 (or later) versions.

From: [] On 
Behalf Of Dean Landolt
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 12:09 PM
To: Tab Atkins Jr.
Cc: Mark S. Miller; es-discuss
Subject: Re: Futures (was: Request for JSON-LD API review)

On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 2:18 PM, Tab Atkins Jr. 
<<>> wrote:
On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 10:51 AM, Domenic Denicola
<<>> wrote:
> From: Andreas Rossberg [<>]
>> Mark, could you summarize the rationale for this, or provide a more specific 
>> link to the appropriate bit of the discussion you are referring to?
> I'm not Mark, and he might have something more specific in mind, but this 
> summary was pretty helpful:
These aren't very good reasons, unfortunately.  :/

The JQP... problem can be solved by a single "flatten" operation added
to the API.  This is a totally reasonable operation, same as it would
be for Arrays.

I'll do you one better and suggest the JQP... problem can go away completely 
the day TC39 decides on a built-in -- let's call it `Promise` for the sake of 
argument. A new spec, call it Promises/A++, could then be defined which states 
that this class is to be included in the proto chain of compatible promises. 
For the sake of interoperable shimming libraries should create this global if 
it doesn't exist (this part's a little sketchy but I can't think of a good 
alternative that doesn't involve abusing __proto__).

Now, instead of a ducktest for a `then` method the promise check would instead 
be specified as `instanceof Promise`. For the sake of backward compatibility 
libraries can choose to add a Promise.prototype.then so that these new promises 
work with old promise libs too. If it comes comes to it, old promises can be 
made to work in the new regime with a little __proto__ hacking.

The only reason thenables won is because library authors didn't have a formal 
namespace to hang these things. This is what ultimately made assimilation 
necessary, and it's a non-issue as soon as TC39 specifies a Promise base class.
[snipped the rest, but FWIW I totally agree w/ Tab]
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