On 2 May 2013 08:42, Tom Van Cutsem <tomvc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2013/5/1 Kevin Reid <kpr...@google.com>
>> What is the most current test suite available for this variant of
>> proxies?  So far I have found
>> <http://hg.ecmascript.org/tests/harmony/>, which seems to be a more
>> recent version of what we are currently using, but has it been
>> superseded by something else?
> The test suite you refer to is the first test suite I wrote for the original
> harmony:proxies. I used it mostly to test the early Mozilla implementation
> done by Andreas Gal. It wouldn't surprise me if Mozilla extended this test
> suite to test their implementation more thoroughly. Also, since these
> proxies are also in v8, perhaps Andreas Rossberg can point you to the test
> suite used to test v8 proxies.

The tests I wrote for V8 can be seen here (the 7 files named proxies*):


I believe they are quite a bit more extensive than what's in the Ecma
repository. But they are also rather monolithic, and rely on V8's
MJSunit test lib.

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